SSN Foundational Workshop held on the 1st Wednesday of each month
The Center for Balance
5:00-6:30 PM
$20 per person or bring 2 friends and attend for free!
SSN Sessions Workshops held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month
The Center for Balance
5:00-6:30 PM
$20 per person or bring 2 friends and attend for free!
Taught by:
Dr. Clifford Oliver, DC, RN
Stop Stress NOW Foundational
The Stop Stress NOW (SSN) workshop synthesizes 20 years of knowledge and teaching Holistic Lifestyle for creating and maintaining a full and meaningful life.
SSN Sessions
The third Wednesday of each month “The Sessions” are held. At these workshops Dr. Oliver will dive deeper into the methods used to control stress and tap into your natural energy. The underlining theme is that we can control our Life Energy and Power.
Highlighted Topics:
"Last week was very stressful. My husband & I have been racking our brains to figure out how we can get the upper hand in a situation. My husband & I both were not sleeping at night; he began to start fighting a cold. This made me very anxious because I have Celiac Disease. The situation was getting very overwhelming & I was tense! I just can’t believe in the midst of my rough week, I never once thought to do the thumping or laughing. All tools went out the window because I got too wrapped up in the situation to take a minute out for myself & to figure out what I needed. That I needed to breathe slow & smile. I know that when I do the thumping it calms me & I feel centered. And I hate to admit it but when I throw some laughs in the mix, maybe a few horse lips & smile I do feel better. I need to keep up on this so I can learn how to take care of myself. I will be seeing you at the next class." Molly